mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Mobile communications and spatial distribution

Some papers were recently published demonstrating that the spatial distribution of mobile communications reflects the administrative borders (in Great Britain, for land lines, in Belgium, and in France). The research papers were based on the processing of millions of mobile communications using the zip code of the subscription bill or the most frequent local antenna used during the night. People seem to be amazed by the results and the prevalence of traditional spatial distribution, which means that they thought mobile phones were addressing an issue of mobility: we challenged that from the very beginning in the habitele project and these results confirm our choices. Mobile phones are more personal and portable than mobile. The mobility that is provided as a new paradigm is a social one by switching between social worlds we belong to.
The belgian study
The french study
The british study (from MIT Carlo Ratti's team, based on land lines)

2 commentaires:

  1. This is great! I can now do my research in cell phones. thanks!

  2. Mobile is a wireless electronic tool used for telephone and multimedia communications. It is a communication network that does not involve cable or wire connection between two entities. These are really nice tips. Thank you for sharing. I think it would be helpful to all. Keep it up
    Business Mobiles
