lundi 23 juillet 2018

Vidéo 2017 tournée à l'EPFL pour la revue PCA-STREAM
Plusieurs vidéos qui introduisent à ce qu'est la théorie de l'habitèle avant la parution du livre bientôt!

Dans le cadre de l'exposition Constellation.s à Bordeaux en 2015
Habiter le monde et habiter le numérique

samedi 22 août 2015

Invisible technologies or regulated ones? why friction matters


The talk of Rand Hindi of Snips, another story about non friction devices, invisible technology that could have been used as an example of solutionism by Evgeny Morozov. What we are looking for is not to make frictions disappear so that algorithms frame our choices without notice, we want to be in charge of regulating how much friction we want, that is to say how deliberate and explicit can be our choices before we delegate any task to machine learning processes. This is what we learned from our survey on mobile uses: habitèle should guide us for the design of regulated couopling between humans and their personal data ecosystem. What I come to call a" Privacy management platform" where technology does not disappear but helps us choose the most comfortable and relevant amount and frequency of connections. This is exactly the same for inhabiting a house: sometimes you want to be in control, you want to redesign each feature, sometimes we are ready to slip into socks that have been previously designed even though they do not fit exactly our habits.

samedi 19 juillet 2014

Awareness devices available now

Our survey resulted in some validations of the hypotheses and some challenges as well. One of our hypotheses which got well documented was the "alert" state of mind, or awareness general attitude, including the stress that was generated in this process. SMS and  phonevibration close to the skin were 2 indicators of this new mode of existence of connected beings. The fact that companies are now delivering smartwatches directly connected to the phone but displaying only notifications of various kinds is a very significant step towards the dismantling of the phone as a device (as we announced in the image which is used as our logo) and towards the "extension of the domain of awareness" which requires a special design (vibrations and short displays as a basic pattern for alert).


See this paper in french

Project "habitèle" is now finished

The project "habitèle" started 26 months ago and is now over. The final report has been delivered to the French National Research Agency ANR. A number of very significant theoretical moves were made due to the survey we conducted in 8 countries among 420 people with the help of social sciences laboratories in each country. Thanks to all and stay tuned for the publication of the report, when validated.
Annexes are of some interest for the ones who would like to dive into the protocol, the database, the method of data extraction  on phones, and so on. They are available following this link:
Le projet habitèle est désormais terminé et le rapport final fourni à l'ANR. De profonds remaniements théoriques ont été réalisés grâce à cette enquête dans 8 pays auprès de 420 personnes. merci à tous les laboratoires de sciences sociales qui ont contribué à ce projet dans les 7 pays hors de France. Le rapport final sera bientôt disponible en ligne.
Les annexes (méthodologie, population,  protocole, extraction des données des portables, bases de données) sont disponibles sur ce lien drop box

mercredi 29 janvier 2014

Papers about habitèle available on the journal URBE

Finally, due to the nice colaboration with our brasilian partners (Rodrigo Firmino and Fabio Duarte, PUCPR) in the ANR project habitele, we manage to deliver a special issue of the journal URBE, in English, including an introduction from Dominique Boullier (habitele: mobile technologies reshaping urban life) and papers about case studies  from many partners. Must read! And soon more news about the project close to its completion.

jeudi 9 janvier 2014

Mobile equipment to outnumber world population at the end of the year

Last survey from Cisco about uses of mobile phones, equipment will outnumber world population at the end of the year and so on!As usual, predictions about 2017 should not be trusted at all, sorry for delivering this kind of marketing info, but some information is still relevant!